Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Day 6: First Pie Ever!

I decided earlier this evening that I want to make a pie. There were three pears at the bottom of the fridge since…who knows when! So with my desire to bake my first pie ever and several lonely pears, the pear crumb pie was born. Mmmm, and I wanted to finish it before Glee came one. So two hours start…NOW.

Pie Crust = FAIL

So I read the back of the box wrong. And yes, I used a boxed pie crust. Baby steps, people! But obviously, even with one instruction of "Just Add Water!" I messed up! But luckily I didn't pour the entire cup of water into the bowl. I estimated the 4-6 tablespoons that should've gone in and mixed. Got my hands dirty and realized I left the camera in my room! Must document the insanity! Here's the scene on the kitchen table (AKA the only work space in the apartment). I always have my laptop to chat with the BF while I'm baking!

I mixed the whole box, which makes two crusts, but I only needed one. The lovely, scrumptious crumble is going on top. Best part. Well I managed to roll out one crust on the dinky plastic cutting board. Can't wait til I can have a huge wood one! It's probably less hygienic, but who cares?!

Then I stuck the pie crust onto the glass pie pan, and it's gorgeous. I'm feeling more like a legit baker at this point. That crust went into the fridge while I worked on the pears!

I tossed the walnuts into the food processor and got it to be "finely chopped." Also, I decided not to peel the pears because generally, the most nutrients are right under the skin. I guess it's getting baked anyway, but it's less work for me! Slice time! Definitely feeling more pro after seeing how nicely I was slicing the pears. I have evidence!

Abracadabra! BAM DONE!

Then I mixed the pear slices in lovely spices and extracts. I never follow recipes: didn't have lemon juice, so I used vanilla and almond extracts; it called for only cinnamon, but I also added nutmeg and ginger. Meh, I just like experimenting! Yet, this wild side of me usually leads to disaster… like in this photo.

So I was mixing the crumble, which was freaking annoying. I guess my arm spazzed, leading me to fling some crumble all over the armchair. And my leg. Mmmm, and I haven't cleaned that up yet. But here's the result! Pear slices soaking up spices and yummy crumble!

Filling up the pie….mmmmm.

And in the oven!

An hour and 20 minutes later! Golden brown and sizzling. I wish the picture could convey how amazing my apartment smells.

And I can't seem to delete this redundant photo... But here's my lovely pie crust again!

Oh and here's the recipe I vaguely followed: http://www.realsimple.com/food-recipes/browse-all-recipes/apple-pear-crumb-pie-10000001694333/index.html

Yummmmm :]

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